
This is from another tutorial provided by Blender Guru in which I learned intermediate fundamentals with modeling, UV unwrapping, sculpting, bump maps/baking normals, and texturing.

Honestly, producing this object was much more challenging than the donut I had made previously and despite how great it turned out in the end, I know there is plenty of things I could improve through more practice and learning the seemingly endless features of Blender and other 3D software. I’d say my biggest struggle was with baking the normals of my high-poly sculpted mesh to the low-poly mesh. It may not be evident, but there are visible creases along the UV seams that I don’t really know how best to fix despite trying multiple recommended tricks and much frustration.

Still, for the purpose of completing a tutorial, I am quite pleased with the results.

Metal texture provided by Poliigon | HDR provided by


Søborg Chair


3D Donut